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Article: The 2023 Ford Maverick Order Banks Are Closing After Just 5 Days, We Are Glad Our Custom Order Tool Could Help!

Rest In Peace to the 2023 Ford Maverick order banks! 5 days was far too short a time. If you’re a Ford dealer, you’ve probably already heard the news, Ford announced that it is closing the order banks for the 2023 Maverick at 10pm EST on 9/20 (unless you want the 2.0-liter EcoBoost model, which will remain open for another 24 hours or so). Autofusion’s dealers will still be able to accept orders for the 2023 Maverick until that time, and those dealers will have until October 5th to complete their retail order verifications, but after that, it’s done. No more custom orders on the 23’ Maverick.

Ford is still working hard to fulfill 2022 Maverick orders and with the absolute feeding frenzy that’s taken place in the last 5 days on the 2023 model, they decided they would need to close order banks earlier than expected. It seems consumer demand for the new Maverick is even greater than anyone could have foreseen.

Custom Order Tool

Autofusion’s Ford dealers were able to capitalize on this frenzy in a HUGE way, accounting for a large fraction of the total Maverick orders placed nationwide. On just the first day the banks were open, our dealers took nearly 1000 custom orders for this vehicle right on their own websites. These customers completed their orders without ever having to leave the dealer’s site. In a word? It was seamless.

Our Custom Order Tool, which is the only custom ordering system in the industry that had 2023 Maverick order capability right out of the gate, is a turn-key system that is designed to fit in on your website (regardless of who manages it) and make your customers happy to place their order with you. Our dealers have been working with a whole lot of happy Maverick customers this past week! Thousands of them, in fact.

With all of this in mind, it’s no wonder that 11 of the top 15 Ford dealers in the United States (and many more) trust Autofusion to build and manage their dealership’s ideal online ordering experience. If you’re a Ford dealer who missed the ruckus related to the 23’ Maverick order banks, don’t worry, because Autofusion dealers already have the capability to order all of the other 23’ models that are still open. Additionally, Autofusion will almost certainly have the 23’ Escape and Bronco order books ready to go live on your site before our competitors even know they are out; so the good news in all of this is that your dealership does not have to miss the next big run when Bronco comes out.

If you haven’t checked out the Custom Ordering System with Autofusion yet, let me be the first to invite you to Schedule Your Demo now, or Click Here to learn more about this exciting and effective solution. Your customers want it, and you will wonder how you ever got by without it, like Don Erwin at Mtn View Auto said: “WHERE HAS AUTOFUSION BEEN ALL OF OUR LIVES????”.